
Monday, 26 January 2015


It hits
Fast and overflowing
The vibrations
Continuous and intent
Intent on making me feel…
Feel more than the rhythmic temperamental burst
Invading more than my sense of hearing
More than just the harmonic combination
Of instruments and melody
Plastered with vocals
Smeared over each note
Tied to every chord
The underlining refusal to be categorized
To be quelled or silenced
It needs to be heard
Yearns to be released
Nomadic in its expression
The intensity in its keys
Longs to be free.
The euphoria stimulates the union of senses
I hear it…
I see it…
I taste it…

Olsfred James 2015©


Pain hits.
The force of what seemed like a thousand bricks connects with my face.
My head racks backward and for a brief moment drifting to the darkness seemed like the favorable choice. 
Just close my eyes and sink into unconsciousness.
The thick trickling blood tickles my nostril on its way out and triggers a need to sneeze.
I suppress it for fear of the strain the pain would cause.
This is one of many encounters but the first to make me cower.
Ripping me from dream, leaving me thinking what the...
My assailant is unthreatened by my presence
Impervious to an attempt at retaliation as she lays there
Deep in slumber
Mouth slightly ajar as these soft cat-like moans escape
Her hands and feet toss wildly until finally she settles
Possibly reenacting the excitement from her fun filled day
So innocent and clearly unaware of the injury she caused
So I swallow my embarrassment
Tuck her in once more with a kiss on her forehead.
“Sleep well princess”
As I proceed to do the same.

Olsfred James 2015©


So should the sky fall tonight
I pray we’ll see the light
Somewhere at the end of a tunnel
Like a fire burning bright
I know we’ve missed our flight
But two wrongs don’t make it right
And every time we sit off in silence
I still wonder why we fight.
I still wonder what we’ve done
With all the heartless words we flung
While the only way we express how we care
Is to judge all we did wrong
When did the tune leave our song?
When did the air leave our lung?
When did the promises begin to mean nothing?
Or was it like this all along
I can’t recall; I can’t tell
My heart drowned as I fell
Over the edge of the rainbow
Now I’m surrounded by this hell
This hell of you
This hell of me
This was not meant to be
Consumed and surrendered to everything
Lost stars within the galaxy
If I could close my eyes; click my heels
From this dream I would be free
If I could remove the plank from my eye
The answers I could see
But who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?
Addicted to more than we need feel
Unable to recognize the reality
Of the hands we sort to deal
But should the sky fall tonight
I pray we’ll see the light
Somewhere at the end of a tunnel

Like a fire burning bright.

Olsfred James 2015©


I dare not sleep
For morning comes too swiftly
Dusk greets dawn when I am not looking
Time begins to move far too briskly
During my slumber they conspire
Thinking I am unaware
But I heard them
I swear it. I heard them
Their treachery was loud and clear.

I dare not sleep
Delaying the scheme to come
Forced to relive yesterday disguised as today
So overt it’s covert
But tomorrow is not fooling anyone
They’re surprisingly cunning
The best at their game
But something seems off
Yet everything is the same.

I dare not sleep
But the man in white says I should
I suspect he is in cahoots with the others
But the pills he gave me tasted so good
Now my energy seems an enemy
Why did I just yawn?
Maybe I could close my eyes
For a minute. Just a min…
Oh my goodness what have I done!

Olsfred James 2015©


The voice of my pen
Is a tad bit soft
Sometimes unspoken
Not heard enough
It lives amongst the pages
Of words still unseen
From wandering eyes of persons
It choose to let in...
To this chamber
Accompanied by my mind     
Scared to reveal that last shred humanity
They would come to find
The voice of my pen
Is of warmth and of cold
Of times before time
Of the brave and the bold
Of kisses upon lips
We long to hold
Of a portraits definition
The crafty hands upon a sculptor's mold
So until that voice
Is no longer detained
By fear and inhibitions    
Amongst these pages it will forever remain.

Olsfred James 2015©

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Feature - "Just I"

This featured piece is a personal favorite from an old friend who has finally decided to let pen touch paper once more.
Keep the creativity flowing Glo!

Just I
no one else.
I talk to the words on this paper
and they talk back to me
they don't leave me hanging
they don’t make me feel lonely
all I have is 'I'.
my source of comfort
makes me feel needed
makes me feel protected
I - loves me when no one
else makes the time
it gets lonely at times even
frustrating when you crave
communication and all you
have is I.
many a night spent crying
my thoughts alone with me
the silence is frightening
can anyone hear me?
I guess it’s just I.
I can't help but wonder
can I lose myself?
who would come looking?
who would notice I'm gone?
a nocturnal being
this world is my prison.
slit the wrist , cut the throat
end the pain, end the fear,
end the cold – I’m freezing.
lonely is just a word like life
but those
are real...emotions stifled
because of circumstance
drives me crazy...  but who
gives a damn...only I...
I keep hearing myself
but no one gets it...breaks
my heart....have you ever
felt your heart break?  Feel
it drop like weight to your
toes… The pressure is building
with nowhere to go. Survival
isn’t just about living anymore
...fuzzy logic...flipped upside
down.....and all I have....The
only who feels it is I.

Gloreen Lake 2014©


"What do you feel?"
Yet, how do I relate a feeling so profound?
Like the morphine in my veins had made its way around
It started maybe 3 weeks ago,
I suppose in a way my body was preparing for what was to come next. 
Things that would normally provoke a physical reaction 
In its place there was now... 

"An emptiness inside?"
My system now numb
Begins to shut down 
I almost thought for a moment I was a sociopath
Like I finally lost it
Something was amiss

"Tried shaking it off?"
How do I summarize that which can only be felt?
When, at the same time, 
It's like the first stone had no impact the moment they began to pelt
My skin it did welt
In this desolation I dwelt
I suspected my hormones were to blame 
Buried my head in humiliation

"Tell me more...."
I compare this to the drifting 
Out into the endless sea
Where the ocean stretches forever
Surrounding....No....Consuming me
I can’t articulate it 
But my words never did it justice
I fought with myself, pondered the thoughts, of this emptiness

"All you ever need is one word"
I drown
Or the lack thereof, invading my lung
One word summarized all the infinitesimally small feelings 
One word that seems to describe all this.....
.....Yet I still can’t explain what this nothingness has done 

"I think you just did"
Any talking makes no sense like the surrendered last birds' song
Where I am aware I should hurt but my brain does not respond
Or maybe it's just… nothing.

Olsfred James & Gloreen Lake 2015©