
Monday, 6 April 2015


The toxicity of my city
Dwells with me!
Riddled to my core
Entwined to every nerve
Responsible of my beginnings as much as my end
Its walls tell tales of the test of time
Each indentation; each discernible crack with an individual version.
Its towering buildings loomed over the city
Like gangling one legged giants
Tainted and deteriorating
Looking down at me
Ready any moment to fall dead at my feet
Carved with ideology and profanity
Permanently spray-painted against its surface.
The smell of the sewer whelms every inch of its reach
Masks are no good here
Futile to fathom escape
Stifling all in its wake
The great depression was the impression for its creation
The blue print to the blueprint of suffocation
All man for themselves
A vicious cycle of hunter-hunted, hunted-hunter
While shadows lurking in the shadows
The dark of the night coals the darkness of their hearts
Its citizens are molded by the chaos
Fashioned by anarchy
Government intervention unnecessary…
The toxicity of my city
Dwells within me!

Olsfred James 2015©


Checkered flags
Waving the end of my journey
To my left, I speed pass another
A yellow and red blur is caught in my peripheral
“Go! Go! Go!”
They screamed
Cheering to the roar of my engine
Then instantaneously fusing
Eventually becoming a façade.
This race seems to be going on forever
How long ago did I “Push To Start?”
25 Laps were a breeze but 200 is straight up crazy
No complaints
This is the farthest I have ever achieved
I’ve made it too far to give up now
The beeping starts and the red light flashes
Damn it!
No stops available
As the counter begins to run down
Who cares? I am so close to victory I can taste it
The car swerves… Focus, must focus
It swerves again… I grip the controls tighter
I can see the car beginning to wobble
And feel its reaction in my palms
Just a few meters away
The checkered flags are so close
The yellow and red blur passes me
So fast I swore my car was in reverse
Then another…
From 1st to 21st in the blink of an eye
All my hard work amounts to nothing
As I finally pass the finish line
Damn it!
As the Coin-op machine pops up with a dreaded display

“Game Over. Insert Coin To Continue”

Olsfred James 2015©