
Tuesday, 23 June 2015


A storm approaches
To reek havoc beyond measure
Masked in smiles
and gestures of endearment
A composed voice
concealing thunder
With sweet lies
and false promises
Calm in the eye
suppressing hurricane force anger
Look on in pity
then soon disbelief
A storm approaches;
do keep your head above the water.

Olsfred James 2015©

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


The shallow passage runs deep
Filled with souls; beyond bounds to atone
The air is thick and stifling
Reeking of death and despair.
The hopelessness filling these walls beckons
Whimpering, with tears of lonely anguish as they reach out to you
To answer would to be a fool
Lost are those who wander with their wonder
Doomed to this abyss forever.
A ways off, he approaches
Closer with each row
Steady his pace is
With creaking echoes over the wailing damned
Before long, he docks
Standing at the bow and stretches his hand towards me beggingly
His fingers are rotted
Tattered skin loosely dangles from the bone
Reeking of decay.
Without hesitation I handed him the golden coin.
As he stepped aside
There were no words
There was no hesitation
I made my way aboard the vessel.
Concealed in a ragged cloak
I could not see his face
He made no discernible movements
Head towards the distance
Steering the boat along with every thrust of the oar.
This journey would soon be complete
I sit and await my arrival
Beyond the reach of the living
Beyond the planes of existence
Forgotten in time like whispers in the wind
The final destination for a weary traveler.

 Olsfred James 2015©

Saturday, 13 June 2015


Firm grip to steady my handle
Fixed the nozzle against my temple
No second thoughts
No hesitation
A quick flash of light cast shadows about the room
Then concealed to the darkness just as quickly
Shattering the stillness of night.
I've settled the war within
Once waged on a battlefield of emotions.
Silenced your ever present voice in my head
The catalyst of my confusion
"Thump" is the sound as the pistol hits the floor
Everything goes numb
Everything fades
But there you have it
Plastered against the walls
All the emotions you claimed I never felt
All the things I failed to say
…You're welcome.

Olsfred James 2015©


Check out this creative group I am proud to be apart of on Instagram @thespilliingink

Wednesday, 10 June 2015



The canvas is smeared
The purity
The perfection
No more.
The tainted splatter
Plastered without reason
Without pattern
Without aim
Every idea; half-finished
Every thought; incomplete
Inspiration inconsistent
Frustration boils
Eventually overflows.
My preparations amount to zero
This was to be my stamp in history
My Mona Lisa
My Starry Night
Oil on cottonwood
Atmospheric illusionism
Yet each stroke is a countdown to my failure
A countdown until I admit defeat.
The running ink taunts me
Jeering its remarks in silence
Inching further down the boards end
Then permanently dries resembling reproach.
Curse you!
Again I strike the cloth
Then again…
And again…
Each time fueled with anger and self-pity
And again…
Watching colors unveil
Blending into another
I empty myself with each stroke
Every doubt
All inhibitions
Until somewhere in between
The daub of paint
And mental fatigue
I watch on from my mind’s eye
Escaped from my being
As my hands take over - Doing as they please
Everything I attempted emerges as one
Combining my pain of confusion and disorder.
Until finally
I am satisfied
This is my masterpiece.

Olsfred James 2015©

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


I hope
I survive tonight
when all my fears come to light
nestled in an unhatched cocoon
this world must make me for a fool
Years and Years of child’s play
What is time?
But a singly solitary moment,confined
Shaping space with memories defined
Too premature now,
The words come out and the actions follow
I wish the earth would open and swallow, me
Free me from this mental slavery
let me commit this single act of bravery
There, there I hope I survive the night

I hope
I survive tonight
when all its secrets lies and alibis
Indecent proposals no longer can hide
the silver tongue was my distraction
Stir-crazy from no action
Foolish that this place would, no , could
Forever be my comfort
Confusing the Stockholm of years suffered
Maybe I should offer the last ounce of blood it wants from me
Since my sweat and tears were not of quality
Give an arm as sacrifice
Yet I’ve already done that twice
There, there, I hope I survive the night’

I hope
If I survive tonight
As I take the last stand in this
cataclysmic fight
The sound of war deafens the silence
The cries of terror, give me penance
That I should walk away
That I should contemplate to stay?
Wave the white flag
be the difference
Wipe away the agony from earths existence
Be the reason
That this moment in history
Will be a monument
OF innocent blood shed
Tarnished by the world around it
If i survive tonight
I become the ultimate sacrifice

Gloreen Lake & Olsfred James 2015©

Sunday, 7 June 2015


Fever pitch
The taste of the air is addictive
The rhythm of the night is electric.
I live for wonders like this.
The frenzy seeps into my being
Releasing pheromones of freedom
Compelling me; mindlessly
No escape
Losing track of space and time
Whirling and swirling to… everything.
I can’t get enough
I’m out of control.
A speeding train of an indescribable attraction
Crashes into me
Coursing like the shot to my veins.
I lose myself to flashing lights
Sporadically illuminating your face.
The closer we get
The more I am tempted to touch.
It’s different
You’re different
Exotic in your expression
As the kaleidoscope of scenes of what’s to come
Collides with what has gone
Instantly becoming my now
Until everything stops.

Olsfred James 2015©